Your credit score is very important because it determines how likely a lender is to provide you with credit. This number is based on a number of things in your credit history and gives the lender a good idea of how safe you are as…
Make Debt Work for You Setting financial priorities is a critical component of your overall financial plan. Fortunately, there are no complicated mathematical calculations involved in determining financial priorities, and deciding what to prioritize is relatively simple. Start With the Basics As the economy continues…
Debt does not have to be a negative thing, especially if it is used to increase your opportunities in the future. There are a number of loan types that allow you to profit from the money that you have borrowed, as long as you treat…
SAN FRANCISCO — Volkswagen reached a deal that will give at least some owners of the remaining 80,000 diesel vehicles caught in the company’s emissions cheating scandal the option of a buyback and provide compensation to all of them on top of any repurchase or…